Get to Class

Alright. Here’s what I believe: everyone should take theology classes. So far with the fellows program we have taken the following theology courses:

  • Sacramental Theology

  • Creation Theology

  • Old Testament Survey

  • The Holy Spirit

These four courses have been INCREDIBLE. All jokes aside, we're talking some absolutely groundbreaking, life changing, revolutionary stuff we've been covering! And the crazy thing is, everything that we’ve been learning has been around for thousands of years. It’s nothing new, but it's new to me. And taking the time to invest in the deep study of God’s Word is an all-out game changer. By God’s grace, I have learned so much from our professors and the content we have covered. 

Also, these courses are not just head-knowledge either. What I’ve learned has changed the way I think, live, pray, walk, breathe, EVERYTHING! By studying the Holy scriptures, I began to see tons of ways that the themes and patterns from years ago are still present today. God is still the same God who has consistently desired to dwell with His people since the beginning of time and has always taken the initiative to do so. Meanwhile, we as people have consistently not deserved to experience our Creator in such a way, yet through Christ, He has poured out His Spirit anyways. As a result, I can’t even eat my Raisin Bran in the morning without thinking of the generous hand of God that has provided for me and has been sustaining all of life around me. 

All of this is far too much to unpack in this here blog, which is why we all need to get in on the theology. I am so grateful for these classes, for all of my professors and their teachings, for my directors making this possible, for all of those who have supported me to allow me to be here, for Monday mornings, for the hand of the Triune God on all of our lives, and for the creators of Raisin Bran. Amen.

-Eric Mays


O Come, O Come, Emmanuel


What Voice is Winning?